"It's not OK what Ofsted do to people" | Why rethink education? | Golden buzzer

Hello my fathomless friends

A couple of offerings to start the week, in the form of two juicy quotes:

1. “Education is like a wish made in a folk tale gone horribly wrong…”

This weekend I made a 2-minute video, outlining what we’re trying to achieve with Saturday’s Rethinking Education conference. Here it is - I think it does a good job of summing up my thoughts currently:

There’s still a handful of tickets available - use the promo code RE20FRIEND to receive a 20% discount.

2. “It’s not OK what Ofsted do to people”

I just released the latest episode of the Rethinking Ed podcast - an interview with Dave McPartlin, headteacher of the incredible Flakefleet Primary School in Lancashire.

Ofsted’s incoming Chief Inspector, Sir Martyn Oliver, has said he wants to undertake a ‘big listen’. I hope this conversation reaches his ears - Dave has many important, insightful things to say, and he certainly doesn’t hold back.

You can find a trailer, and the full video and audio version here. And if you want cheering up, check out the clip below featuring Flakefleet’s incredible, life-affirming appearance on Britain’s Got Talent.

Have a great week everyone - until the next time…


Dr James Mannion
Director, Rethinking Education